Children with Disabilities

Children and adolescents with disabilities are more vulnerable to violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect. The frequent ‘institutionalization’ of children with disabilities, denying them the right to grow up in a family environment, can further impact their ability to grow to their full potential and can increase their vulnerability.

JF Kapnek  continued to be the main partner working with children with disabilities under the UNICEF-managed National Action Plan for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Phase III (NAP III). Support was targeted at strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, and violence against children with disabilities. A major focus was on case conferencing under the national case management program and active case follow-up. Kapnek also supported the HSCT cash payments in 8 districts, providing disability services at the pay points for families with children with disabilities.

Goal: Children with disabilities in Zimbabwe enjoy their right to a protective and nurturing environment within which they can reach their full potential.

Geographical Coverage:
21 districts (Epworth Chitungwiza, Fort St, Tredgold, Murewa, Mudzi, Zvimba, Sanyati,
Gokwe North, Shurugwi, Kwekwe, Mwenezi, Binga, Umzingwane, Beitbridge, Bulilima,
Mangwe, Buhera, Makoni, Marondera)

The Key activities under the programme are:

    1. Awareness raising on prevention of child abuse, violence and neglect of Children with Disabilities
    1. Capacity building of child protection officers and other government staff working with children with disabilities
    1. Technical support in case management and response services to cases of child abuse, violence and neglect of for children with disabilities
    1. Support to coordination among key government departments providing services to children with disabilities
    1. Supporting access to justice for children with disabilities
    1. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health rights (ASRHR) for children with disabilities
    1. Provision of Psychosocial support services to CWD
    1. Ensuring equitable access to justice services for 300 CWD including support on sign language interpreter expenses & documenting patterns of sexual abuse against CWD
  1. Targeting caregivers and adolescents with disabilities to ensure they have improved knowledge and skills to prevent violence and abuse of CWD including addressing negative social norms
We recognise that devising lasting solutions depends on partnering with local communities.